


I like the night sky after it's rained.  The sky has a pinky-orange undertone, I quite like.

You'd think an artist-writerish would describe colors better, but alas.  She does have a gag reflex.  And no, if you're asking if that feels good - it probably doesn't.    
It's an unexpected color underneath the mask of night.  It unsettles.  Disrupts.  I am one step closer to premature enlightenment.  

I try to recall why I've never seen this until I went to college and I realize it's because I've never seen the sky at 3 or 4 in the morning after it has rained.   

I let go of the good boy's tiny hand.  I'm leaving him and I don't care to see his reaction.  Where I'm going, he shouldn't come.  There are things here he shouldn't see.  It's unfortunate, but his mere presence is my imprimatura.


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